When asked about the tools we use, I realize that we do things slightly different at "Now Age Storytelling". The tool question might never die, however, our advice might surprise you: If you’re a professional storyteller, turn yourself into a mobile free-styler!

With clients & participants at “Now Age Storytelling” we combine tools and tailor complete workflow solutions. Yes, stay updated on evolving tools, but start with the story you want to share and first understand who and where your users are.

A few years ago multimedia tools were numbered and Quik, Splice, Legend, iMovie and Pageflow were among the coolest apps in town. Now we’ve got an ever evolving universe of terrific editing apps at our finger tips, on mobile and web, each for specific tasks and with limits.

Build your stories by going through a number of structuring questions, define the formats you aim for: live, real-time, long-form. Then choose tools and editors to tell this particular story in the most compelling and immersive way possible for your users to reach them where they are.

Let’s do this! 📲💥